OUTPUTThe OUTPUT command controls the organization and format of a
report. This includes control of the number of copies of a report, the
forms to be printed with the variable data, report offsetting, and the
use of simplex or duplex mode. Many graphics features may be
invoked with this command; these are explained in greater detail later
in this chapter and in the
Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS Operations
Table 6-36 summarizes the OUTPUT command paramet ers.
Table 6-37. Summary of OUTPUT command parameters
Parameter Specifies Offline Online DJDE
BFORM Form only on back side of a duplex page Y Y Y
COLLATE Collated or uncollated report pages Y Y Y
COPIES Number of copies of a report Y Y Y
COVER Cover pages picked from the auxiliary tray Y Y N
CYCLEFORMS Associates forms with report pages in a cyclic
fashion YYN
DENSITY IG local density functionality is listed for compatibility
purposes. It is not supported on the DocuPrint 180
DESTINATION Output destination of print jobs Y Y Y
DUPLEX P rinting on both sides of a page Y Y N
FACEUP Face up delivery of pages Y Y N
FEED Paper tray selection Y Y Y
FORMAT Selection of page format descriptor Y Y Y
FORMS Associates forms with report copies Y Y Y
GRAPHICS Whether graphics are used and how Y Y N
IMAGE Initial scaling and positioning for batch mode
graphics YYY
INVERT Allows control of image orientation Y Y Y
MODIFY Associates CMEs with report copies Y Y Y
NTO1 On a report basis, whether all copies of a particular
report are printed first page to last (1-N) or last page
to first (N-1)
NUMBER Automatic page numbering control Y Y Y
OFFSET Report offset control Y Y N
OSTK Specification of ordered stock parameter Y Y N
PAPERSIZE Paper size to be used for job Y Y N
PURGE Default disposition of document interleaved graphics Y Y N
RESOLUTION Output coordinate system in spots per inch (spi) Y Y N