Input data typesThe LPS can work effectively in many different environments, and it
has the capability to handle input from a wide variety of sources.
Whether you are using the LPS in an offline capacity, connected
directly to a host computer, or remotely over phone lines, input data
for printing is sent to the printer in one of two forms:
Unformatted data
Unformatted data—that is, raw data from a computer file—is
selected, formatted, and combined with form data (boxes, lines,
headings, totals, and so forth) and graphics files to produce a printed
•The raw data can be sent to the LPS offline from magnetic tape,
online from a channel-attached host.
•The forms definition commands used to select rec ords and
format the printed output can be entered directly fr om the PC
UI, or from a host- or PC-based forms definition software
If you are using the LPS to create reports or other documents from
unformatted data, several elements are required to complete the job:
•Variable data. Variable data is the part of the report that
changes from page to page. In the example of an inventory
report, the variable data would be the part numbers,
descriptions, prices, costs, and so forth.
The variable data can be input from the magnetic tape system
in the offline mode, from a host through a channel interface or
from a remote host over phone lines.
•Form data. Form data can include headings, boxes, lines, and
graphic image files, such as signatures or logos. F orm data is
entered in the form of compiled files, comprised of JDL and FDL
statements entered through the LPS editor in the offline mode,
or in the online mode through one of several h ost-resident
forms design packages.
•Processing data. Processing data is optional and it allows the
operator to control the output of selected reports, or selected
copies of a multiple copy report, for cover-to-cover print
processing on any job. For example, you may wish to specify
that an inventory report has a blue card stock cover, 49 pages
of the report, and a blue card stock back cover. You may also
decide that four copies without cost information are needed for
distribution to clients. The three command sets described below
provide output control:
—JDE. Gives the operator control over the mechanics of a
particular print job. JDE commands specify the feed an d
output trays, simplex or duplex printing, stapling, coll ating,
and so forth.