6. 6Print format commands
Print format commands serve many different functions, the most
common of which specify the physical characteristics of a print job,
define the placement of data on the page, and identify system
responses to error conditions.
Table 6-1 summarizes these PDL commands. The function , syntax,
and usage of the parameters available with these commands are
described in individual sections of this chapter.
Table 6-1. Summary of print format commands
Command Function
ABNORMAL Specifies operations security and page offset on jam
ACCT Defines user and system accounting requirements.
CME Allows certain parts of report output to be replaced on
copies with predefined static data or to specify font
changes within variable data.
EXPORT Directs printing of segments and segment recovery.
LINE Controls margin, overprinting, carriage control, and
so forth.
MESSAGE Sends message to operator during input or output
OUTPUT Controls printing mode, forms, paper size and type,
offsetting and output destination.
PDE Defines page format (page orientation, fonts).
ROUTE Sends message and form for a routing page.
STOCKSET Defines a set of stocks used in a report.
VFU Defines vertical format control.