PDE command
The PDE command specifies a page descriptor entry (PDE) which
defines formatting information for each page of a report. T his
formatting information includes page orientation (landscape or
portrait), location of the beginning print line for each logical page, and
the fonts to be used.
Table 6-73 summarizes the PDE command parameters.
You must specify an identifier (of type ac) when defining the PDE and
reference it with the FORMAT parameter of the OUTPUT command.
The PDE command must precede the OUTPUT command.
PDEs may be coded as part of the JDL or created as separate files
so that they may be referenced by one or more JDLs or by DJDEs.
PDEs are called out on the FORMAT parameter o f the OUTPUT
command or a DJDE FORMAT parameter. PDEs must be
precompiled to be accessed by a DJDE. Standard PDE
specifications are provided on the operating system software (OSS)
system tapes as described in table 6-74.
A PDE created as a separate disk file may be used as if it were part
of the JDL that references it. This is done by creating a JSL file
containing only PDE commands and using the PDL processor to
compile it. For each PDE command, PDL creates a control file on
disk, cataloged in the PDE directory. The PDE command identifier is
used as the file name. When the PDE is referenced, the system
searches the PDE directory for the named PDE and, if found, loads
it into memory for use in processing the report. Refer to the
“Compiling the JSL” section in the chapt er "Creating a job source
library (JSL)" for further information on this feature.
Table 6-74. Summary of PDE command parameters
Parameter Specifies Offline Online DJDE
BEGIN Location of starting print line on page Y Y Y
FONTS Fonts for printing variable and CME data Y Y Y
PMODE Landscape or portrait pri nting mode Y Y Y