Online formats
This section covers the following topics:
Document and page interleaved
Batch mode
Document interleaved graphic file transfers
Management of image files
HOSTCOPY is the mechanism for transferring noninterleaved
graphics through the online channel to disk. The HOSTCOPY utility
supports IMG files in Xerox system tape format.
Document and page interleaved
Online report processing, which includes document and page
interleaved graphics, functions as tape input processing functions.
The rules for online interleaved graphics are:
Each graphic must be preceded immediately by a DJDE
GRAPHIC record.
There is no change in the maximum reco rd length when
processing interleaved graphic records. However, every record
of an online interleaved graphic must have an appended
terminating character which is the same for all records of the
graphic. If an interleaved graphic record is encountered which
does not have the same terminating character as the first
record of the graphic, the user has the option of aborting or
continuing the report. If the report is continued, the graphic is
unprintable and the results may be unpredictable.
Document-interleaved graphics must begin immediately
following the banner pages.
Batch mode
Online processing of batch mode reports, except for media-imposed
differences, is the same as for magnetic tape.
The input data stream format must comply with the following rules:
Even though a JDE specifying batch mode i s in effect, the first
graphic must be preceded by a DJDE specifying
BATCH=START. The last graphic must be followed
immediately by a DJDE specifying BATCH=END. These batch
stream delimiters are necessary to distinguish banner page
data (header and trailer) from graphic data.
Except for the graphics themselves, the input stream may
contain only optional DJDE IMAGE records. When a DJDE
IMAGE record is encountered, it defines scaling and positioning