VFUThe VFU command is used to assign output line numbers to printer
carriage control channels. These line-to-channel assignments
perform the same function as the printer carriage control tape on a
conventional line printer. The VFU command is also used to assign
line numbers to the top of form and the bottom of form. Top of form
indicates the number of lines from the top (as defined by the PDE
BEGIN values) of an output page to the first print line on the page.
TOF defines the first line on which printing appears. Bottom of form
indicates the number of lines from the top of a n output page to the
last print line on the page. BOF defines the last line on which printing
Top and bottom of form are used for prejob page alignment and for
page overflow processing. For all PCCTYPEs except ANSI and user-
defined PCCs, the prejob page alignment is to top of form in the
expectation that the first carriage control parameter of the job will be
print and space one line, or something similar. Selection of ANSI
causes alignment to bottom of form to handle the skip-to-channel-1-
and-print parameter, which usually begins a job of that carriage
control type. User-defined PCCs may set alignment at either TOF or
Page overflow occurs when spacing to the next line causes the
bottom-of-form line number to be exceeded. Page transition occurs,
and line spacing is continued from the top-of-form line number.
Honeywell 2000 carriage control and Xerox carriage control are
exceptions to this processing (refer to the
LPS Tape Formats
You must specify an identifier of the type ac when defining the VFU
table and reference it in the VFU parameter of the LINE command.
The VFU command must precede the LINE command. A command
identifier of the type ac may consist of one-to-six alphanumeric
characters (A-Z and 0-9). One of the characters must be al pha.
Table 6-85 summarizes the VFU command parameters.
The following sections describe the syntax of the command
parameters and explanations of the parameter options.
Table 6-86. Summary of VFU command parameters
Parameter Specifies Offline Online DJDE
ASSIGN Assign line numbers to output channels Y Y Y
BOF Bottom-of-form line number assignment Y Y Y
TOF Top-of-form l ine number assignment Y Y Y