Other Audit Logging points to note
Note the following:
Delete logs regularly. For maximum control, audit logs a re
never automatically deleted. The following exceptions exist:
A rerun of a report that had no stale date specified
(LTD=0). The current log replaces the old log.
A rerun of a report where the stale date has expired. The
current log replaces the old log.
Where stale dates are not specified but rerun revisions are
desired, the LDT=* parameter provides revision numb ering.
These logs need timely administration to delete them when they
lose usefulness.
Use the rerun report revision numbering feature judiciously.
The Auditor assigns a revision number to reports if dire cted by
the LDT=* parameter. There is a limit, however, of 999
revisions per report. When this limit is reached, the revision is
assigned 1. If revision 1 currently exists, that log will be
A job that has a single report name (perhaps s pecified in the
JSL) and many reports will create many revisions. If this job
has more than 500 reports, the job cannot be run twice without
exceeding the rerun count limit of 999 unless the operator first
deletes all logs for the first job. If the job has more than 1000
reports, it is impossible to audit all reports. The 1001th and
successive reports w ill not log but will gi ve an error indicating
that the rerun count is exceeded.
Avoid jobs that have many short reports. As noted above, it is
easier to examine a few reports rather than many small ones.
The Audit provides filtering tools for both situations, but the
storage, display and printing of larger reports is far more
efficient for larger than small reports. If such jobs exist,
analyze them to see if they can be consolidated into fewer
reports. If small reports are necessary for other reasons, the
job may not be a good condidate for auditing.
Do not use LDT=0 in your JSL unless the job has only one
report. More than one report results in the earlier reports being
overlaid by later reports. As a result, only one report will be
audited, the last one, and it may contain unpredictable data
from earlier reports in the job.
A JSL may contain a BTEXT statement and the job stream may
contain BTEXT. If both JSL and job stream contain BTEXT,
understand the following rules:
If the job stream BTEXT precedes the first data record, it
replaces any JSL BTEXT. No combining is don e. For
example, if the JSL has RNA and DPT parameters, and the
job stream has just an RNA parameter, only the RNA
parameter from the job stream is used for auditing.
If job stream data precedes the job stream BTEXT, job
stream BTEXT may be ignored for auditing, because
Input has not yet seen the job stream BTEXT. When this
job stream BTEXT is encountered, it is sent to the PC UI,
but ignored unless the JSL BTEXT did NOT contain an
RNA parameter and the job stream BTEXT DOES contain
an RNA parameter.