3. 3Creating a job source library(JSL)There are many commands available to include in your job source
libraries (JSLs) and many ways of organizing them. There are
relatively few absolute rules and virtually infinite combinations you
can use to create applications through the use of Print Description
Language (PDL).
This chapter presents the following topics to use as a tool in guiding
you through JSL creation:
•What your JSL specifies for LPS processing
•Decisions to make before creating your JSL
•Review of PDL components and syntax
•Helpful hints
•Steps in creating a JSL
•Compiling your JSL
•Printing the job
•Short explanations of some application-related issues:
— Paper types
— Page orienta tions
— Reg istration shift and ske w
— Fonts
— Compatibilit y with the 4050/4090, 4650, 4850/4890,
9700F, 4135/ 4635, and DocuPrint 96 laser printing
Keep in mind that many of the contents of this chapter are
samples and suggestions of what can be done with PDL to
create your desired applications, that there is a m ultitude of
other possibilities and options available, and that detailed
information on each topic is provided in the other chapters of
this manual, and in the
Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS Forms
Creation Guide