If a specified font or form file fails a validity c heck during input,
the system aborts the job and displays the following messages:
OS8852 Invalid font file header
OS8855 Invalid form file header
START with parameters does not execute when HIP print jobs
are being processed.
You cannot specify a tape device when you have specified
Table 2-4 lists the START command parameter option(s) a nd
Table 2-4. START parameter option(s) and definition(s)
Option(s) Definition(s)
A 1 to 6 character identifier for the job descriptor entry to be used in processing the job.
If the
option is not specified in the START com mand, the user-specified default
(DFLT) of the job descriptor library is used.
A 1 to 6 character identifier of the job descriptor library for the print job. It must be listed
in the jdl file directory. If th e
option is not specified, the default is used. The default
must have been created by the user with an identifier of DFAULT in the SYSTEM
S | M Control the processing mode of a job. The two mode s are: single report (S) and multiple
report (M). The default mode is multiple report. Single report mode halts the system after
the processing of each report to allow the operator to select the job set-up parameters
for the next report by entering a new START command. Whenever the S mode is
invoked in the START command, the system processes only one report at a time, and
the accounting sheet will call the report “REPORT 1.“ If the REPORTS option of the
START command is invoked at the same time as the S mode, the REPORT option takes
precedence over the S mode option. If multiple reports are listed in the REPORTS
option, all the reports are processed in multiple report mode, except the last report,
which is processed in single report mode. Multiple report mode allows all reports in all
files to be processed continuously. Processing autom atically sequences from report to
report, file to file, volume to volume until all reports have been processed.
Prints a specified number of copies of a report. It is an override of the value specified in
the job descriptor entry, and also overrides a DJDE command if present in the input data
,... Allows you to specify the sequence and subset of reports to be processed. This option
is available only when processing tape input. Only reports specified are printed. For
r1,r2..., the user specifies numeric values or ranges of values, representing the print
order of reports. A range is specified as n-m, where n and m are the first and last reports
in the range to process, respectively. For example, entering REPORTS: 6,1-3,5,4
causes the sixth report to print first, followed by the first through third, followed by the
fifth and then the fourth. If the job contains more than six reports, they are not be
processed. The REPORTS option is also useful for prin ting one report of a multiple
report tape. This saves the step of spacing over reports not needed. A maximum of 14
values is allowed. A range of values uses 2 of the 14 maximum values allowed.
Specifies the tape device being used.
DISC Indicates you want to print a file stored on the system disk.
FORM Allows you to specify a form used for the job. This option overrides any form specification
in the job descriptor entry (FORMS command of OUTPUT statement and the RFORM
command of the ROUTE statement). The specified form must be on disk in the FRM