BANNER commandThe stacked reports feature enables the online and offline user to
define a series of reports in a single file. This is accom plished by
specifying an end-of-report condition in the coded logical processing
commands RSTACK (online and offline) and BANNER (online use
only). End-of-report is that point in processing a report when all of the
pages of a copy of a report have been formatted to disk and
processing has begun on the next report.
Reports are stacked in a file if more than one report is included in a
single file and separated from each other logically but not physically
(with tapemarks, operating system labels, and so forth). In
processing stacked reports, the system checks each record for the
logical end-of-report specification as defined by the TEST parameter
of the RSTACK and BANNER commands. When BANNER is coded,
the user specifies the number of consecutive banner pages which
must satisfy the test criteria before end-of-report occurs.
Report separation based on banner page detection is perf ormed with
the BANNER command. This includes a test expression to detect a
banner page and a count of the header or trailer pages used to
separate reports. Table 7-6 lists the function and use of each
BANNER parameter.
Table 7-6 summarizes the BANNER command parameters.
The following sections describe the syntax of the command
parameters and explanations of the parameter options.
Table 7-6. Summary of BANNER command parameters
Parameter Specifies Offline Online DJDE
HCOUNT The total number of consecutive header banner
pages. NYN
HJOBNO Subfield of the first record to satisfy banner selection
criteria be displayed as a CUST JOB number. NYN
HRPTNA Subfield of the first record to satisfy banner selection
criteria to be displayed as a REPORT NAME. NYN
TCOUNT Total number of consecutive trailer banner pages
needed for banner page detection. NYN
TEST Test expression for banner page detection. N Y N
TYPE Use of selected data pages as banner pages when
reports do not contain this information. NYN