•NO-OP command from the host is not dumpe d since it is
intercepted and processed by the OLI hardware an d is
transparent to the LPS software.
•Hardware errors are reported in the system error log, but are
not dumped due to Host, OLI, or driver interface constraints.
•Commands processed when input is stopped, for exampl e,
when paper trays become empty, are not dum ped.
•Print records longer than the specified RECORD LENGTH
value are truncated without warning. If records longer than 150
bytes are to be sent, the RECORD LENGTH param eter in the
online dump JDE/JDL should be modified to the longer length.
•Entering the operator SAMPLE command (with parameters) i s
not allowed while the system is online, whether or not a job is
running. Exceptions to this are: pressing the <SAMPLE> key or
entering the operator SAMPLE command with no parameters.
•Operator “HIP START ...” command is accepted, but HIP is
unable to submit a print job while the system is online.
Downloading files from the host to the LPS
Files may need to be downloaded from the host for various reasons.
In a production printing environment, file storage space may be
limited by the requirement of a large print file. At some installations,
files such as form files which undergo periodic revision may be
compiled and kept on the host computer and transmitted to the
printer when required by a job. System patch tapes may be requi red.
Other LPS font and logo tapes may need to be downloaded.
Three methods of downloading files are available:
•HOSTCOPY utility
•DJDE FILE command
•LPS and host file transfer
The HOSTCOPY utility requires the system to be placed offline and
idle, then rebooted from disk to enter the operator HOSTCOPY
command from the system menu. It does not allow files to be
transferred while normal printing activity is taking place.
The DJDE FILE command transfers files while normal printing
activity is taking place; however, the file to be transferred may need
to be preconditioned to prevent trailing-blank truncation by the host
A third method of file transfer, using the LPS a nd host file transfer
interface, may be used to transfer user files and also allows an online
user to obtain the status of the reports submitted for printing on the
LPS. A remote connection between the host and LPS is used for file