that the DocuPrint 180 LPS will not print them. If an FSL were
precompiled by a 4850/4890 LPS FDL compiler an d its file (FRM)
downloaded to a DocuPrint 180 LPS, the form will print.
Refer to your

Xerox 4850/4890 HighLight Color LPS Forms Creation

for detailed information on creating and using highlight color
Points to note
Note the following:
Light tints with isolated pixels of color that print on the Xerox
4850/4890 may not print on the Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS.
Color text printed over solid black background or black text
printed over solid color backgrounds on the DocuPrint 180 LPS
may not be visible. Be especially careful in using this format
because this situation does not generate displayed or printed
Likewise, color text printed over gray backgrounds or black text
printed over color shaded backgrounds on the DocuPrint 180
printer may not be clearly visible. Be especially careful in u sing
this format because this situation does not generat e displayed
or printed messages.
600 spots per inch (spi) tints and shades printed on the
DocuPrint 180 are finer and more uniform than 300 spi tints and
shades printed on the 4850/4890 LPS.

Xerox 4050/4090/4650/9700F LPS

This section explains how the DocuPrint 180 LPS runs applications
created for the 4050/4090/4650 Laser Printing Systems .
Creating DocuPrint 180 LPS applications on a 4050, 4090, 4650, or 9700F LPS
As with any application, you can create DocuPrint 180 JSLs on your
4050, 4090, 4650, or 9700F LPS and then c ompile them on your
DocuPrint 180 LPS for printing.
Running 4050, 4090, 4650, and 9700F jobs on your DocuPrint 180 LPS
The Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS offers full backward co mpatibility with
the Xerox 4050, 4090, 4650, and 9700F laser printing systems. In
other words, all standard JDLs produced on these printers will run
successfully on the DocuPrint 180 LPS. However, it is advisable to
recompile them.