14. Pattern & Phrase Editing — The Pattern Jobs
144 RS7000
4Set All
[Settings] Off (0), 000 ~ 127
(-8192 ~ +8191 for pitch bend)
Sets all target events to the same fixed value.
When set to “OFF” the Set All parameter has no effect. When
set to a value other than “OFF” the Rate and Offset parame-
ters are unavailable and appear as “***” on the display.
[Settings] 000% ~ 200%, ***
Specifies the percentage by which the target events will be
shifted from their original values.
When the Set All parameter is not “OFF” this parameter
appears as “***” and cannot be changed.
[Settings] -127 ~ +127, ***
(-8192 ~ +8191 for pitch bend, ***)
Adds a fixed value to the Rate-adjusted event values.
When the Set All parameter is not “OFF” this parameter
appears as “***” and cannot be changed.
This job performs time expansion or compression over the
selected range. All events in the specified range - including note
step time, gate time, all event locations, etc., - are expanded or
[Settings] 001 ~ 256
[Settings] Measure:Beat:Clock
001:1:000 ~ 257:1:000
Sets the range of measures/beats/clocks over which the job
will be applied.
[Settings] 025% ~ 400%
Sets the amount of time expansion or compression as a per-
Settings higher than 100% produce expansion, and settings
below 100% produce compression.
Copies a selected phrase to the designated destination phrase.
1Source style
[Settings] 01 ~ 64
Specifies the style containing the phrase to be copied.
2Source phrase
Phrase Category
US (User Phrase)
For the preset phrase categories refer to “Appendix”,
page 271.
Phrase Number
001 ~ (depends on phrase category)
Selects the phrase to be copied.
3Destination style
[Settings] 01 ~ 64
Specifies the destination style.
17 Beat StretchNOTE
Only MIDI data is affected by this job. Sample
voices are not expanded or compressed.
However, for samples recorded using the
SLICE+SEQ feature, the Beat Stretch job
expands or compresses the timing of the note
data, step times, and gate times that control
playback of the sliced samples. The sample
voice itself is not affected.
1 2
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
18 Copy Phrase
Any previous data in the copy destination will be
1 2
435 [Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]