6. The Pattern Chain Jobs
172 RS7000
The Undo job cancels the changes made by the most recent oper-
ation (job, edit, recording), restoring the data to its previous state.
The Redo job cancels Undo and restore the changes.
Undo/Redo can also be executed by pressing [SHIFT]+[JOB] in
display pages such as the Play screen.
1Undo/Redo Indication
“Undo” or “Redo” appears on the display to indicate the job
that is currently available. Undo and Redo are selected alter-
2Undo/Redo target
Identifies the operation currently available for undoing or
If the specified Undo/Redo target is not in memory, “Undo
Impossible!” will appear and the Undo/Redo function cannot
be executed.
This job copies all data from a specified source range to a speci-
fied destination location.
1Source Range
[Settings] Measures 001 ~ 999
Specify the source range from which the data will be copied.
2Destination Location
[Settings] Measures 001 ~ 999
Specifies the location to which the data will be copied.
[Settings] 01 ~ 99
Specifies the number of times the data is copied.
This job clears all data from the specified range.
[Settings] Measures 001 ~ 999
Sets the range of measures over which the job will be applied.
00 Undo/Redo
Undo/Redo does not work with sample voice
01 Copy EventCAUTION
When Copy Event is executed any data already
existing at the Destination location will be over-
02 Erase Event
2 3
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]