1. System
RS7000 257
The Utility Mode
Master tuning, foot switch settings, and other overall system parameters are available via this page.
3 additional pages can be accessed by using the [F1] and [F4] buttons, for a total of 4 System pages.
Display Parameters
1MASTER TUNE ...................................................[Knob 1]
[Settings] -102.4 ~ +102.3
Tunes the RS7000 tone generator in 0.1-cent increments.
(one “cent” = 1/100th of a semitone).
2FOOT SWITCH.....................................................[Knob 2]
SEQ START......Pressing the footswitch alternately
starts and stops the RS7000
SECTION..........Pressing the footswitch selects the
section in sequence (A, B, C, etc.).
SUSTAIN.......... The footswitch functions as a sustain
TAP...................Automatically sets the BPM according
to the speed at which the footswitch
SAMPLING.......When the trigger mode is MANUAL
the footswitch has the same function
as the [STANDBY/START/STOP] but-
Selects the function of a footswitch connected to the rear-
panel FOOT SW jack.(Page 23)
3PATTERN QUANTIZE...............................[Knob 3]
[Settings] 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16
1........................1 measure
1/2.....................Half note
1/4.....................Quarter note
1/8.....................8th note
1/16...................16th note
Specifies whether style and section changes will be made on
measure boundaries, or 1/2-note ~ 1/16-note boundaries.
4MEMORY PROTECT.................................[Knob 4]
[Settings] OFF, ON
OFF...................It is possible to record or edit pat-
terns, songs, and sample voices.
ON.....................It is not possible to record or edit pat-
terns, songs, and sample voices.
Determines whether the memory containing patterns, songs,
and samples will be protected or not.
5CLICK MODE....................................................... [Knob 1]
[Settings] OFF, REC, REC/PLAY, ALL
OFF...................The click will not sound.
REC...................The click will sound during real-time
recording only.
REC/PLAY........The click will sound during real-time
recording and playback.
ALL...................The click will always sound.
Determines whether and when the metronome click will
6CLICK BEAT........................................................ [Knob 2]
[Settings] 16, 08, 04, 02, 01
Determines on which beats the metronome click will sound.
16 = 16th notes, 08 = 8th notes, 04 = quarter notes, 02 = half
notes, and 01 = whole notes.
7REC COUNT.........................................................[Knob 3]
[Settings] OFF, 1 ~ 8 MEAS
OFF...................Recording starts as soon as the
[PLAY] button is pressed in the Rec
Standby mode.
1 ~ 8 MEAS....... Sets the number of count-in measures
provided before recording starts.
Sets the number of count-in measures provided before
recording starts in the real-time recording modes.
1. System3 421
[Knob 1] [Knob 2] [Knob 3] [Knob 4]
7 865
[Knob 1] [Knob 2] [Knob 3] [Knob 4]