14. Pattern & Phrase Editing The Pattern Jobs
150 RS7000
This job deletes all data of the selected type from the selected
pattern track, or from all pattern tracks.
1Source Section and Track
[Settings] Source Section A ~ P, ALL
Source Track 01 ~ 16, ALL
2Data Type
All events in the track.
The tracks PLAY FX. GROOVE, and MIDI DELAY set-
The tracks mixer and voice edit settings.
The sample voice assigned to the selected track.
Determine the type(s) of data to be cleared. When a checkbox
is checked the corresponding data type will be cleared.
This job rewrites the data in the selected track so that it incorpo-
rates the current Play FX/Groove/MIDI Delay settings.
[Settings] 01 ~ 16, ALL (All sequence data)
Separates the note events in a drum phrase assigned to a specified
track, and places the notes corresponding to different drum
instruments in separate tracks (tracks 1 through 8).
29 Clear Track
The style cannot be selected via this job. Be
sure to select the style containing the tracks you
want to delete before accessing this job.
Undo/Redo (Page 134) can be used after a
delete sample operation, but will not apply to
the sample voice.
When the Sample box is checked and the
[F4] (DO!) button is pressed, the Are You
Sure? Cancel [F2]/OK [F3] confirmation
prompt will appear. [F3] will execute the Clear
Track job.
2[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
30 Normalize Play Effect
After the Normalize Play Effect job is exe-
cuted the PLAY FX, GROOVE, and MIDI
DELAY parameters for the track are initial-
The style and section cannot be selected via
this job. Be sure to select the style and sec-
tion containing the tracks you want to normal-
ize before accessing this job.
31 Divide Drum Track
This job requires 8 empty user phrases in
which to store the separated note data. If the
required phrases are unavailable the Phrase
Number Overflow message will appear and
the job will be aborted. If this occurs use Job
25 (Clear Phrase) to delete unused phrases
and try again.
The style and section cannot be selected via
this job. Be sure to select the style and sec-
tion containing the track you want to divide
before accessing this job.
The note data is divided and copied to tracks
1 ~ 8 according to the GM-format drum voice
note assignments. Voices belonging to the
same group such as the tom-tom voices,
for example are copied to the same track.
Since the full-edit and SFX-type drum voices
do not comply with the standard GM-format
note assignments, these voices will not be
divided properly.
1[Knob 3] [F4]
[Knob 2]