6. The Pattern Chain Jobs
RS7000 173
The Pattern Chain Mode
Creates empty measures at the specified location.
1Insert Point
[Settings] 001 ~ 999
Specifies the insert point (measure number) at which the
newly created blank measures will be inserted.
[Settings] 1/16 ~ 16/16, 1/8 ~ 16/8, 1/4 ~ 8/4
Specifies the meter of the measures to be created.
3Number of Measures
[Settings] 01 ~ 99
Specifies the number of empty measures to be created and
Deletes the specified measures.
1Delete Range
[Settings] 001 ~ 999
Specifies the range of measures to be deleted.
Converts the current pattern chain to performance data and copies
the data to a specified song.
03 Create MeasureNOTE
•When empty measures are inserted, measure
and meter data following the insert point are
moved forward accordingly.
•If the insert point is set after the last measure
containing data, only the meter data at that
point is set without actually inserting the mea-
001~004 005~016
001~004 005~012 013~024
The inserted 8 measures
8 measures inserted at measure 5
Original data
1 2
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
04 Delete MeasureNOTE
•Measure and meter data following the deleted
measures are moved backward accordingly.
05 Convert to SongNOTE
•Pattern chains cannot be selected from this
display page. Be sure to select the pattern
chain you want to convert while in the PAT-
TERN Chain mode, then select this job.
•Local sample voices used by the styles in the
chain will also be copied to the song as local
sample voices. If multiple styles are used in a
chain, however, only the local sample voice of
the style used in the last measure of the chain
will be copied.
001~004 005~016
001~004 005~012 013~024
Original data
Measures M005 ~ M012 deleted
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]