1. MIDI Basics
RS7000 265
Other Information
4. Parts and Part ParametersThe individual single tone generators that make up a multi tone
generator are often referred to as “parts”. Since the RS7000 tone
generator can simultaneously play data on up to 16 channels, it
has 16 parts. In addition to specifying separate MIDI channels for
each part, it is possible to individually set the voice, pan position,
volume, and a range of other parameters.
The RS7000 provides voice, pan, volume, effect send level, and
other tone generator parameters in the MIXER and VOICE EDIT
sub modes. Taking a look at the various parameters available will
give you a good idea of the many parameters provided for each
part. These type of parameters are commonly known as “part
5. Parts and TracksIn the RS7000, the performance data recorded on each of its 16
tracks plays the corresponding tone generator parts. Although the
default track-to-part relationship is that track 1 plays part 1, track
2, plays part 2, etc., these assignments can be changed via the
SETUP Out Channel display page (Page 110) so that any track
plays any part.
6. MIDI Signal FlowSequencer
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 16
Tone Generator
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 16
MIDI Filter
MIDI Filter Sequencer
Tone Generator