6. The Pattern Chain Jobs
174 RS7000
1Song Number
[Settings] 01 ~ 20
Sets the song to which the converted pattern chain data will
be copied.
[Settings] 001 ~ 999
Specifies the range of data to be converted and copied.
This job copies all data from a selected source pattern chain to a
selected destination pattern chain.
1Source Pattern Chain
2Destination Pattern Chain
[Settings] 01 ~ 20
Specify the copy source and destination pattern chain num-
This job deletes all data from the selected pattern chain.
[Settings] 01 ~ 20
Selects the pattern chain to be deleted.
Use this job to enter or change a pattern chain name. The name
can be up to 16 characters long.
1Chain Name
Refer to “Chapter 1: Basics”, page 67, for details on name entry.
06 Copy Chain1 2
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
2[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
07 Clear Chain08 Chain Name
Pattern chains cannot be selected from this dis-
play. Select the pattern chain you want to name
or rename while in the PATTERN Chain mode
(Page 159).
[Knob 3] [F4]
[Knob 2] [F4]