The Pattern Mode
3. Phrase Recording
RS7000 79
4BPM (Tempo).........................[Knob 4], [F4] → [Knob 4],
[SHIFT]+[F4] → Numeric Keypad
This parameter has the same effect as in the PATTERN Play
mode. See page 72 for details.
This parameter specifies the length of the phrase to be recorded in
This parameter cannot be set in the Rec Standby mode. Be sure to
set the LENGTH parameter in the PATTERN Play mode before
engaging Rec Standby.
6EVENT TYPE........................................................[Knob 3]
When the STEP record type is selected this parameter specifies
the type of event to be recorded.
[Settings] NOTE, PITCH BEND, CC[000] ~ CC[119]
Specifies the type of data to be recorded.
When NOTE is selected notes data is recorded.
When PITCH BEND is selected pitch bend change data is
When CC[000] ~ CC[119] is selected, the corresponding
control change data is recorded: volume, pan, expression, etc.
For CC[000] ~ CC[119], select the control number of the data
(volume, pan, expression, etc.) that you wish to record. Only
when inputting the control change number, you can use
[SHIFT] + [F3] for numeric key input.
1BANK (Voice Bank).............[Knob 1], [F1] → [Knob 1],
[SHIFT]+[F1] → Numeric Keypad
2PGM (Program Number)
..........................[Knob 2], [SHIFT]+[F2] → Numeric Keypad
Voice Bank (Bank Select MSB, LSB)
*** *** (Phrase), 000 000 (GM),
063 000 (SyBa&Ld), 063 001 (SyPd&Fx1),
063 002 (SyMater1), 063 003 (BandInst),
063 004 (Cls&Wind), 063 005 (Eth&Perc),
063 006 (SFX1), 063 007 (SyBa&Ld2),
063 008 (SyPd&FX2), 063 009 (SFX2),
064 000 (SmpLocal), 064 001 (SmpCmn),
126 000 (DrumKit), 127 000 (GM Drum)
Program Number
001 ~ 128 (depends on the voice bank)
Selects a voice for the phrase to be recorded.
Voice banks organize voices in voice-type categories, and are
selected using MIDI bank select MSB and LSB data. For
more details on voice banks refer to “Chapter 1: Basics”,
page 61.
The program number parameter selects the individual voices
in each bank.
To access the BANK LSB, press [F1] to move the cursor to
the LSB value then use [Knob 1] to adjust.
3TRNS ON/OFF (Transpose ON/OFF)........[Knob 3]
[Settings] ON, OFF
Determines whether transpose setting changes will affect the
phrase to be recorded.
When ON, transpose setting changes will transpose the
recorded data.
When OFF, transpose setting changes will not affect the
recorded data.
It is a good idea to turn this parameter OFF when recording
drum phrases or other phrases you do not want to be trans-
•When the OVERDUB record type is selected,
quantization will also be applied to the exist-
ing data in the track.
The first playback, however, will not be
affected (quantization will be applied, how-
•When record quantize is not OFF, quantiza-
tion is applied to all controller data in addition
to the note data. Use the Quantize job to
quantize only the note data.
For example, to create a 1-measure phrase that
will repeat during an 8-measure pattern, do the
1. In the PATTERN Play mode set the LENGTH
to 1.
2. Record the new phrase.
3. In the PATTERN Play mode set the LENGTH
back to 8.
Record Standby (PATTERN Patch)
The voice selected here is used when the voice
bank parameter in the PATTERN mode MIXER
display (Page 93) is set to “Phrase”.
1 2 3
[Knob 1]
[Knob 2]
[Knob 3]