The Pattern Mode
14. Pattern & Phrase Editing — The Pattern Jobs
RS7000 145
4Destination phrase
[Settings] 001 ~ 256
Specifies the destination phrase.
When the checkbox is checked sample voices used by the
source phrase are copied to the destination style as local sam-
ple voices, and are assigned to destination phrase.
This parameter has no effect when no sample voice is used by
the source phrase.
Exchanges the contents of two specified phrases.
1Style, 3 Style
[Settings] 01 ~ 64
Specify the styles containing the phrases to be exchanged.
2Phrase, 4 Phrase
[Settings] 001 ~ 256
Specify the phrases to be exchanged.
This job mixes all data from two selected user phrases — “a” and
“b” — and places the result in phrase “b”.
1Style a, 2 Phrase a
[Settings] Style a ........... 01 ~ 64
Phrase a........001 ~ 256
Specify phrase “a”.
3Style b, 4 Phrase b
[Settings] Style b ........... 01 ~ 64
Phrase b....... 001 ~ 256
Specify phrase “b”.
•When there is no memory available in the
destination style for local sample voice data,
“Too Many Load Sample Voices” will appear
on the display and the sample voice data will
not be copied. If this occurs, use Sample Job
“02 Delete” (Page 246) to delete unused local
samples then try again.
•Undo/Redo (Page 134) can be used after a
sample voice copy operation, but will not
apply to the sample voice.
•When the “5. Sample” box is checked and the
[F4] (DO!) button is pressed, the “Are You
Sure? Cancel [F2]/OK [F3]” confirmation
prompt will appear. [F3] will execute the Copy
Phrase job.
19 Exchange PhraseNOTE
This job does not affect sample voices used in
the specified phrases.
1 2
43 [Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
20 Mix Phrase
If this job is applied to phrases which use sam-
ple voices, the sample voices will not be copied
or mixed.
Phrase “a”Phrase “b”
Phrase “b”
Mix Phrase
1 24
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]