3. Troubleshooting
RS7000 287
Sound Is Cut Off • Are you exceeding the maximum polyphony of the instrument? (Page 62)
Playback Does Not Begin
When the [PLAY] Button Is
• Does the selected pattern, phrase, pattern chain, or song contain data? (Page 77, 161, 184)
• Is the MIDI SYNC parameter set to INTERNAL? (Page 260)
Rhythm and Note Timing
Is Different From When
• Are the groove or play effect parameters set to change the timing? (Page 85, 87, 191,
Voice & Effect Settings
Change When Playback Is
• Is data which resets the tone generator recorded at the beginning of the
(Page 154, 225)
Can’t Record a Phrase or
• Is a preset phrase selected? (Page 75)
• Is memory protection turned on? (Page 257)
Can’t Record Samples • Have you exceeded the maximum allowable number of sample voices? (Page 61, 229)
• Is there enough free sample memory? (Page 68)
• Is the source input set properly? (Page 231)
• Is the A/D level set properly? (Page 108, 200)
Memory is Full Even
Though There Are Avail-
able Patterns or Songs
• The total RS7000 memory capacity determines the number of patterns,
phrases, and songs that can be recorded. For example, if the memory con-
tains phrases or songs that use up a large amount of memory, the memory
may become full even though the available pattern or song numbers are not
all used.
(Page 68)
MIDI Bulk Data Transmis-
sion/Reception Won’t
Work Properly
• Was the dump interval time set to too short a value when the data was saved? (Page 258)
Can’t Save Data • Is the memory card or disk being used write protected? (Page 115)
• Is the memory card or disk being used properly formatted? (Page 116)