RS7000 337
12. Glossary
The act of restoring a parameter to its most basic “ini-
tial” value.
Interval Time
A delay inserted at regular intervals when transmitting
bulk data that was recorded in a sequence track.
An acronym for Low Frequency Oscillator, a circuit that
produces a signal at a low frequency. The signal from
the LFO can be used to modulate pitch, volume or tone
to produce effects such as vibrato, tremolo and wah.
Local Sample Voice
A sample which available for use by only a specific song
or style. Up to 128 local sample voices can be stored for
each song or style. Samples which are available for use
by all songs or styles are known as “common sample
Repeat playback of all or a specified section of a sam-
Low Pass Filter
A type of filter which cuts the high frequencies. The
sound can be brightened by raising the cutoff frequency
of the filter, or darkened by lowering it.
An acronym for Least Significant Byte, referring to the
lower byte of data when MIDI control change data is
divided into two bytes (the MSB and LSB) for transmis-
An acronym for Musical Instruments Digital Interface, a
standard for transferring data between musical instru-
ments. Most electronic musical instruments today
implement the MIDI specification and provide MIDI con-
nectors. Such instruments can be connected together
to create remote performance or automatic perfor-
mance systems.
MIDI Channel
16 MIDI channels are provided — 1 ~ 16 — and the
transmitting and receiving devices must be set to the
same channel to allow communication of performance
MIDI Data Filer
A MIDI device that receives data for the internal settings
of a MIDI device in the form of System Exclusive mes-
sages, and stores them to floppy disk. An example is
the YAMAHA MDF3 MIDI data filer.
MIDI Time Code (MTC)
A time-based synchronization signal which allows syn-
chronization of MIDI equipment, multitrack recorders,
and other linear recording/playback devices. MTC is
based on the industry-standard SMPTE time code.
MIDI Wind Controller
A sophisticated breath controller that play like a saxo-
phone or similar wind instrument while producing MIDI
performance data that can be used to control MIDI tone
generators, sequencers, etc. An example of a high-per-
formance MIDI Wind Controller is the YAMAHA WX5.
An acronym for Most Significant Byte, referring to the
upper byte of data when MIDI control change data is
divided into two bytes (the MSB and LSB) for transmis-