1. RS7000 System Overview
28 RS7000
The Yamaha RS7000 brings it all together. Everything you need for professional-level music production
— particularly in dance, techno, R&B, and ambient genres — is included and flawlessly integrated in a
system that has been specifically designed to facilitate modern production techniques. The RS7000
combines a powerful, flexible sequencing system with a state-of-the-art tone generator loaded with an
awesome selection of drum kits and voices, and a sampler which allows you to sample your own
sounds and loops and easily incorporate them into your sequences. All of this is brought together with
an interface that is intuitive and easy while offering the depth and real-time control required by profes-
sional applications.
In the phrase-based PATTERN mode, complete patterns can be quickly assembled by combining individual phrases from
the 5980 preset phrases provided, or you can record your own using the extensive selection of drum kits and other voices
provided by the internal AWM2 tone generator. Sampled sounds, loops and break-beats can just as easily be added to the
sequence to create the groove your music demands. Your patterns can be used individually, or the PATTERN CHAIN mode
can be used to automatically sequence specified patterns to create even complex arrangements.
There’s also a SONG mode which functions as a 16-track sequencer with all the features and versatility you’d expect from
a full-blown stand-alone sequencer.
Another key requirement for creative freedom in modern music production is real-time sound control. The RS7000 offers
plenty of sonic manipulation capability with a comprehensive range of knobs for hands-on control of BPM, filter parame-
ters, envelopes, pitch, LFO, and more. The RS7000 also features a keyboard and velocity-sensitive pads that allow voices
and samples to be played in real time, as well as switching between sequence sections and tracks, and controlling the track
mute and solo functions. Scene and mute memory functions can be used to take “snapshots” of track mute setups or com-
plete panel-control setups for instant recall when needed.
In addition to directly loading sample data in a variety of popular formats, the RS7000 allows you to record your own sam-
ples from CDs or any line-level or microphone source. Once your samples are recorded they can be trimmed, sliced,
looped, and otherwise prepared for playback with the power and flexibility you’d expect from a stand-alone sampler. And
when your samples are ready, they can be incorporated into patterns and songs just as easily as the tone-generator voices.
You can even use the sampler to record vocal parts to take your project right up to the final production stage without using
any equipment other than the RS7000.
Even electronic sounds change with the times, and the RS7000 is right up to date. The internal AWM2 tone generator sys-
tem offers more than 63 top-quality drum kits as well as 1054 pitched voices and sound effects — you’ll find what you
need for just about any musical genre. You also have a range of voice editing functions that make it easy to customize and
personalize the sound to bring your art to life.
In today’s music effects are almost as important as the sounds they are applied to. The RS7000 offers plenty of sound pro-
cessing power with PLAY FX which function at the sequencing stage to provide harmonization as well as note and timing
variations; a three-stage DSP effect system with VARIATION, DELAY/CHORUS, and REVERB effects; and a MASTER
EFFECT stage that offers a range of up-to-date effects for the overall sound.
1. RS7000 System Overview