2. Combining Phrases to Create Patterns (Patch)
76 RS7000
Track numbers.
The currently selected track number is highlighted.
0Track Status
Indicate whether the corresponding track contains data, as
well as the status of the track.
:Sample data is assigned to this track.
:The track is muted (no sound will be produced by this
[S]:The track is soloed (all other tracks are temporarily
muted and only this track will sound).
Pattern Assembly Procedure1. Use the [UTILITY] MODE button to access the SYSTEM
page, then use [Knob 4](MEMORY PROTECT) to turn
2. Press [PATTERN] button to go to the PATTERN Play page,
and set the STYLE and SECTION parameters to select the
pattern you want to create.
You can give the style a name, if required (Page 153).
3. Press [F3] to move the cursor to the LENGTH parameter, and
use [Knob 3](LENGTH) to set the length of the pattern.
4. Press [F1] to move the cursor to the METER parameter, and
use [Knob 1](METER) to select the desired meter.
5. Press the [PATTERN] button again to go to the PATTERN
Patch page.
6. Select a track to which you want to assign a phrase (Page 67).
7. Use [Knob 1](PHRASE CAT.) and [Knob 2](PHRASE NO.)
to select the phrase to be assigned to the selected track. Press
[PLAY] to hear the phrases during selection.
8. If necessary use [Knob 3](NOTE SHIFT) to set a note-shift
value for the current phrase.
9. To adjust the BPM, press [PATTERN] to return to the PAT-
TERN Play mode and use [Knob 4](BPM) to adjust as
10. Use the SUB MODE buttons (GROOVE … SETUP) to set
other parameters as required (refer to the respective SUB
MODE sections of the manual).
See page 72 in “1. Pattern Playback” for the
track selection procedure.
See page 72 in “1. Pattern Playback” for the
mute and solo setting procedure.