2. RS7000 Internal Structure
60 RS7000


Songs on the RS7000 are much like the songs you would create
with a conventional sequencer. Songs are different from patterns
in the following ways:
Performance data can be directly recorded to the tracks.
Long songs with up to 999 measures can be created.
• Scene/mute changes and tempo changes can be
recorded to the scene/mute and BPM tracks, respec-
The meter (time signature) can be changed for each
Punch-in recording is available.
• Multi-record mode simultaneously records all 16
The RS7000 has memory for 20 songs (01 ~ 20).
Song Track Structure

Data Recorded with Styles and Songs

The following types of data are recorded with each style and
BPM (Tempo)
Scene/Mute Memory
Transpose (songs only)
Phrases (styles only)
Note Shift (styles only)
• Groove
Play Effects
MIDI Delay
• Mixer
Voice Effect
• Effect
• Setup
Local Sample Voice
Tone Generator
The tone generator block produces voices controlled by the
RS7000 sequencer, the controllers, the arpeggiator, or MIDI data
received from external MIDI equipment.

Voices & Sample Voices

The RS7000 uses two types of voices: “voices” and “sample
“Voices” are the internal voices produced by the RS7000’s
AWM2 tone generator. Since the voices are preset, they are ready
for use as soon as the power is turned on.
“Sample voices” are samples recorded using the RS7000 sam-
pling function or imported from other sources. The sample voice
memory is always empty when the power is first turned on.

Normal Voices & Drum Voices

Voices are further divided into two types: “normal voices” and
“drum voices”.
“Normal voices” are played normally via the keyboard or a MIDI
controller, with each note playing at the corresponding pitch.
These types of voices are usually used like individual musical
instruments. In the RS7000 Bank Select MSB = 0, 63 selects the
normal voices.
“Drum voices” are especially for drums and percussion instru-
ments, with each note producing the sound of a different instru-
ment. In the RS7000 Bank Select MSB = 126, 127 selects the
drum voices.
Refer to page 295 in the “Appendix” for complete lists of the
instrument-to-key assignments for the drum voices.
Track 12345••• Measures
Scene Memory Number 3 4 2 •••
Mute Memory Number 1 2 5 •••
BPM Track Tempo Change 120 158 72 •••
All voice data you created will be lost when the
power is turned off. Be sure to save important
data to a memory card or SCSI disk before turn-
ing the power off.
Normal Voice
Each key plays the selected
voice at the corresponding
Bass Drum Snare Hi Hat
Drum Voice
Each key plays a different