6. MIDI Delay
90 RS7000
This sub mode can be used to apply a special MIDI delay effect to a pattern.
MIDI delay works by creating a copy of the original data which plays back several times slightly after
the original data, thus simulating the sound of a normal delay effect. MIDI delay has some special fea-
tures which aren’t available with standard delay effects, however.
Two display pages are provided: Delay and Feedback.
From the PATTERN Play or Patch mode press the [MIDI DELAY] button to access the MIDI delay pages.
MIDI Delay Features
●Unlike conventional delay effects, MIDI delay works
by adding MIDI data which means that the pitch,
velocity, and gate time of the delay sound can be
freely controlled, and special feedback clock varia-
tions can be applied.
For example. The pitch of the delay sound can be raised or
lowered in semitone or whole-tone increments, or the volume
of the delay can be gradually increased or decreased. Feed-
back clock control allows, for example, the delay time to be
gradually shortened or lengthened.
●Since MIDI delay uses the MIDI clock as the basis
for all delay times it is easy to create precise note-
length delays.
In conventional delay systems the delay time is specified in
milliseconds (thousandths of a second) so it is necessary to
calculate the relationship between milliseconds and note
length when you want to create note-length delays. Further, if
the tempo changes during playback it becomes necessary to
do extra work to make the delay time follow the tempo
With MIDI delay, however, the delay time can be set in clock
increments so the delays will always be locked to the play-
back tempo.
●MIDI delay uses polyphony.
Since MIDI delay uses the tone generator stage to produce
the delay sound, it uses 1 note (2 if a 2-element voice is used)
of the RS7000’s maximum polyphony. Be sure that whatever
effect you use, the maximum 62 note polyphony of the
RS7000 is not exceeded. For more information on maximum
polyphone refer to “Chapter 1: Basics”, page 62.
●Different MIDI delay settings can be made for each
●The MIDI delay settings for all 16 tracks are memo-
rized with the style.
No extra save procedure is necessary. Your MIDI delay set-
tings are saved with the style data and are automatically
recalled whenever a style is selected.
If MEMORY PROTECT is ON, however (Page 257), the
MIDI delay settings will not be saved and will be erased
when a different style is selected.
●MIDI delay settings can be applied to the pattern
data when complete.
There are 2 ways to do this:
• By using the PATTERN JOB “Normalize Effect” job
(Page 150).
• By using the real-time OVERDUB record mode (Page 80).
MIDI Delay Setup Procedure
1. Press [MIDI DELAY] while in the PATTERN Play or Patch
mode to access the first MIDI delay display page (Delay).
2. Press a key on the keyboard while holding the [TRACK
SELECT] button to select the track to which MIDI delay is to
be applied.
3. Use [Knob 1] ~ [Knob 3] to make the required settings.
4. Press [MIDI DELAY] to go to the Feedback page.
5. Use [Knob 1] ~ [Knob 4] to make the required settings.
If a preset phrase is assigned to the selected track,
the real-time OVERDUB record mode cannot be
used. In this use first copy the preset phrase to a user
phrase and assign that phrase to the track.