Konica Minolta T3 manual Check of Batteries

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Check of Batteries

A mercury battery will be fully usable over a period of one year in normal circumstances. There will be a sudden drop in voltage when its days are numbered. When the meter needle visible in the finder is immovable at a bright place, it means that the battery has run down. You may also check the battery in the following manner:

1.While the Lens Release Button (27) is kept depressed, take off the lens, as it is turned counterclockwise. (See P.25)

2.Lift the outer ring around the Shutter Speed Dial (20) and set the film speed to ASA 100.

3.Turn the shutter speed dial and set it to 1/125 sec.

4.While the finder is being looked into, detach the Meter Switch (3) from the position of "OFF" and depress it in the direction of "C". If the meter needle (49) comes in alignment with the Battery Check Mark (50) between the aperture readings of f/8 and 11, it means that the battery is fully serviceable. If the needle has failed to

come to that point or gone farther down from that point, it is advisable to change the battery with a new one.

Note that the all the marks necessary for the checking of the battery are colored in red. Make sure that the meter needle will come over the red mark when the film and shutter speeds are set to the red and the lever is depressed in the direction of the red-colored alphabet "C". Check the battery in the correct order shown on the battery check seal on the bottom of the camera body.

The meter takes two 1.35V National H-C, Mallory PX-675 or Eveready EPX-675 mercury battery cells. Care must be exercised in selecting the cells as there are cells which look identical in shape but differ in stipulated voltage, such as battery cells.

In the event that your camera is not to be used over a long span of time, take out the mercury battery cells and keep them in a place free from moisture.

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Contents Page Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis Innehåll Table DES MatieresDIE Wichtigsten Eigenschaften DER Konica AUTOREFLEX-T3 Features Konica AUTOREFLEX-T3Beskrivning AV Konica AUTOREFLEX-T3 Caracteristiques DU Konica AUTOREFLEX-T3Basic Manipulation For AEC Photographing Ein Die Entfernung Name of Each Part Bezeichnung DER Einzelteile Nomenclature DES Pieces ET Organes EssentielsNamn PÅ Varje DEL Page Page Film Wind Cocking Major Specifications of Konica AUTOREFLEX-T3 Picture Size 24 x 36mm Film Speed ASAATT Sätta l Batterierna Inserting of Mercury BatteriesEinlegen DER Quecksilberbatterien Mise EN Place DES Piles AU MercureMätarkontakt On/Off och slutarlåskontroll Meter On/Off Switch and Shutter Lock ControlBelichtungsmesser-An / Aus-Schalter und Auslösersperre Commutateur du posemètre On/Off et verrou dobturateurCheck of Batteries Contrôle des piles au mercure Prüfen der BatterienChargement DE LA Pellicule Kontroll av BatterietFilm Loading FilmeinlegenPage Page Page Page Indikator som visar om slutaren är spänd eller ej Shutter-Ready IndicatorAnzeige für Auslösebereitschaft Indicateur du déclenchementFilm-Type Reminder Slot Slutaren ShutterObturateur VerschlussATT Byta Objectiv Lens InterchangeObjektivwechsel Changement DobjectifAperture BemerkungBlende Ouverture RelativeBländare Page Page Belichtungsmessung bei abgeblendetem Objektiv Bei Page Dessutom erbjuder Konica Autoreflex-T3 inte en utan tre Control Center Viewfinder Kontrollzentrum IM Sucher Looking AT Meter Inside ViewfinderSökarens Kontrollcentrum Indications DU Posemetre Dans LE ViseurSet Your Camera to AE Mark Régler lappareil a la marque AE Page Manuell fotografering Manual Picture-TakingManuelle Belichtungseinstellung Prise de vue manuelleHints for Unusual Exposure Situations Sehr helle oder sehr dunkle Hintergründe Hold your Camera Tight Training of CameraHalten DER Camera Tenue DE LappareilTräna MED Kameran Focusing Entfernungseinstellung Mise AU PointAvståndsinstälzning DEPTH-OF-FIELD Profondeur DE Champ SchärfentiefeMarkierung FÜR Filmebene Die Entfernung bis zum SkärpdjupLevier de profondeur de champ Page Page Selbstauslöser USE of SELF-TIMERSjälvutlösaren Utilisation DU RetardementFilm Rewind Filmrückspulung Rebobinage DU FilmATT Spola Tillbaka Filmen Multiple Exposure Mehrfachbelichtung MULTI-EXPOSITIONMULTIPEL-EXPONERING Operation Zeitaufnahmen Blixtfotografering Flash PhotographyBlitzlichtaufnahmen Photographie AU FlashThere will be no harm when a finger is put to the contact Flash Synchronization for Konica Autoreflex-T3 Photographing in STOPPED-DOWN Metering System Belichtungsregelung Exposure DeterminationHUR NI Bestämmer Exponeringstiden Détermination de lexpositionFiltres Konica Accessories / Zubehörgerät / Accessorios / AccesoriosKonica Filters KONICA-FilterMotljusskydd Lens HoodsGegenlichtblende ParasoleilÖgonmussla OeilletonVinkelsökare Angle FinderWinkelsucher Viseur dangleMellanring Extension RingZwischenringsatz Bague-allongeAutomatikring 2 och dubbel trådutlösare Auto Ring 2 and Double Cable ReleaseAutomatikring 2 und Doppel-Drahtauslöser Bague de présélection 2 et déclencheur doubleAdaptateur auto-hélicoïdal Focusing RailAuto Helicoid SchneckengangadapterFästklämma Accessory ClipGriffe accessoire Hot Shoe ClipAdapter för fastsättning av andra objektiv Lens Mount AdaptersObjektivfassungsadapter Adaptateurs pour montage DobjectifsAutomatikbälg Auto BellowsAutomatische Balgengerät Soufflet AutoPage Adapter för negativ-fotografering Reverse AdapterUmkehradapter Dispositif dinversionMikroskopadapter Microscope AdapterMikroskop-Adapter Raccord microscopeSÅ HÄR Sköter NI Kameran Maintenance of Camera and LensPflege DER Camera UND DES Objektivs Entreitien DE Lappareil ET DE Lobjectif