Color Active-Matrix LCD Touch Panels Installing Touch Panels 15
Using the AXlink connector for data and power
Connect the control system’s AXlink connector to the AXlink connector on the rear
of the Touch Panel for data and 12 VDC power as shown in Figure 14.
PWR (+)
GND (-)
AXlink connector
Control system
PWR (+)
Using the AXlink connector with an external 12 VDC power supply
Connect the control system’s AXlink connector to the AXlink connector on the rear
panel of the Touch Panel as shown in Figure 15.
PWR (+)
GND (-)
PWR (+)
GND (-)
AXlink connector
Control system
12 VDC power supply
PWR (+)
GND (-)
Use an external 12 VDC power supply when the distance between the control
system and Touch Panel exceeds the limits described in Figure 13. Make sure to
connect only the GND wire on the AXlink connector when using an external 12
VDC power supply. Do not connect the PWR wire to the AXlink connector’s PWR
(+) terminal.
If you are using power from
AXlink, disconnect the wiring
from the AXCESS Central
Controller before wiring the
Touch Panel.
Figure 14
AXlink wiring diagram
Figure 15
AXlink and external 12 VDC
power supply wiring diagram