Color Active-Matrix LCD Touch Panels Touch Panel Program Reference 71
Select a page to designate the first page to appear when you power up the Touch
Panel. Select NONE to disable this option. If none is selected, the POWER UP page
will be the last active page the next time the touch panel is used.
Wake up message
Press WAKE UP MESSAGE (Figure 114) to open the Touch Panel keyboard, and
enter an ASCII string to be sent to the AXCESS Central Controller when the Touch
Panel wakes up. You can program the control system to perform specific
operations when the message is received. Refer to the AXCESS Programming section
for detailed programming information.
Auto assign
Press AUTO ASSIGN (Figure 115) to enable the automatic channel assignment
option. This option sets the Touch Panel to prompt you to manually or
automatically assign a channel number (1 – 255) to a new button. If you select this
option, the Touch Panel assigns the lowest unused channel to the button. Press the
AUTO ASSIGN again to disable this option.
Figure 113
and list
Figure 114