paper separator, replacing
handling film 141 printing 101 scanning 137
sending from scanner
PICT image format 41
using with graphic applications
power, switching on and off 16 PowerBook computer, connecting
scanner to 6
power cord 6 connecting 15 extension 9 socket 10
power on light 10, 155 going on and off 156 power requirements 154
power source 8 precautions, safety 9 preview image
Print Archive View command (File menu) 102
Print command (File menu) 101 Print
receiving images from scanner
sending saved images to 34 printing
saved images
Quit command (File menu) 102
radio interference vii RAM requirements 2, 20 Read Me file 19
regular shape, selecting 66 removing scanner cover 31 renaming saved image 45 replacing scanner cover 31 requirements, system 2, 20 Resize command (Image menu) 105 Resize dialog box 82
resolution automatic setting 37 custom setting
of scanned images 39 restarting computer 22 retaining clips 14
Revert command (File menu) 101 Rotate command (Image menu) 106 rotating scanned images 85, 106 ruler units 58
safety features 15 precautions 9, 17
Save As command (File menu) 101 Save command (File menu) 100 saved images
opening from archive 43 printing or faxing
Scan button (Dispatcher window) 33 scanned images
adjusting brightness and color 78 changing color balance 79 changing view of archives 88 choosing format
cropping 83 customizing