fax applications
assigning to Dispatcher 42 sending new images to 33 sending saved images to 34 Fax
faxing images 34,
file formats choosing 100 text 91
image format 41
installing for scanning
aligning 146 dirty 152 handling 141
inserting into film guide
scanning 137 selecting type 148 sizes for scanning 142
fingerprints, avoiding 144
Flip command (Image menu) 106 flipping scanned images 84, 106 foreground color, changing 64,
choosing 100
for scanned images 41 text 91
Get Info command (File menu) 100 GIF image format 41
glass, cleaning 112
grabber (Threshold dialog box)
grabber tool (tool palette) 64, 108 graphics applications, scanning into
grayscale art
Gray Scale image option 36 grounding plug 15
Halftone image option 36
hard disk drive, requirements 2, 20 Hide (Show) Brushes command
(Window menu) 108
Hide (Show) Colors command (Window menu) 108
Hide (Show) Tools command (Window menu) 107
Highlight dropper (Threshold dialog box) 56
Horizontal flips 84 HTML documents
converting text image to 94 opening
HTML format, saving files to 89 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
OneScanner Dispatcher 23, 32, 155 unassigned
ID number, setting 12
Image Depth command (Image menu) 106
image document. See scanned images Image Edit button 33