communications regulation information
computer screen, scanning resolution for 52
connecting scanner
to Automatic Document Feeder 10 to Macintosh
SCSI cable 14
to Transparent Media Adapter 10 contrast
adjusting in images 78 changing
Contrast option (Select a Range) 54 Copy command (Edit menu) 102 copying selections 75, 102 copyright regulations 59
Crop command (Image menu) 105 cropping
adjusting 38
scanned image 84, 105 custom installation 21
custom settings for scanning
dimensions, changing 57 disks
backing up 20 installation 19
Dispatcher, assigning fax applications to 42
Dispatcher command (Window menu) 108
Dispatcher window 24, 32,
Document Feeder document glass, cleaning 112 documents. See also originals
copying an image into 75 placing on glass 29
problems in document feeder 117 restrictions 28
sizes 153
dots per inch, setting
in Dispatcher window 34,
drawing lines 71
drawings and calligraphy. See originals driver for scanner 19
darkness level (threshold)
delivery guide sheet, replacing
dialog boxes
Apple Color OneScanner 36, 50 ColorSync Preferences 87 Resize 82
Scanner Install Script 21 Scan Router 42 TextBridge 93 Threshold 56
Tone 54
Unsharp Masking 80 diffuser
cleaning 150 location 139
Easy Install 21 editing images 33 editing tools 63,
Effects command (Image menu) 106 Ektapress film 148
Ektar 100 film 148 electrostatic buildup 8 environment for scanner 8, 154
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript Language) image format 41
eraser tool (tool palette) 64, 109 erasing 64, 70, 109 extension cords 9
external SCSI devices 7