performance in PC environment games, multimedia, and MIDI
programs 56 network 56
printing, in Windows 58 shared folders and 70 troubleshooting 107
Performa Tutorial, starting
Macintosh, in PC environment
PICT files, copying and pasting, between environments 50,
installing software for 117 plugging in computer
and safety concerns 126, 127 pointer
“frozen” 90
how to move
setting insertion point with 91 ports 30
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) 7, 91 poster, setup 2
PostScript printers in PC environment
power button, standby (on/off switch) 2, 30
power cord
for computer 2 for monitor 4
and safety concerns 126, 127 Power key 8, 150
in restart procedure 81
power problems, troubleshooting 10, 83 power socket 30
power supply, caution 130 PowerTalk program 35
printer port 30 troubleshooting, in Macintosh
environment 65
printers in PC environment
problem solving. See Balloon Help; Guide menu; Macintosh Guide window; service and support; troubleshooting; troubleshooting in Macintosh environment; troubleshooting in
PC environment
Macintosh; programs, PC; specific programs
QEMM memory management utility 45 question mark disk icon 9, 84, 103 question mark icon, as Guide menu
indicator 13, 15 questions. See Balloon Help; Guide
menu; Macintosh Guide window; service and support; troubleshooting; troubleshooting in Macintosh environment; troubleshooting in
PC environment QuickDraw GX program 35 QuickDraw printers in PC environment
QuickTime files, restrictions on copying, between shared folders 70
quitting programs when system freezes in Macintosh environment 81, 90 in PC environment 110