installing system software
Internal HD Format program 99, 102 IPX networking protocol, requirements
joystick connecting 33 port for 30
handling guidelines for 128 installing
in PC environment
keyboard cable 6 checking 91
keyboard commands
for DOSCLIP “clipboard”
for switching between environments 43
Key Caps program
LAN Workplace for DOS TCP/IP software
LASTDRIVE statement, in CONFIG.SYS file 49
Launcher 9
Internal HD Format program 99, 102 Performa Tutorial button 12 placing Macintosh programs in 36
left mouse button, simulating, in PC environment 48
AUTOEXEC.BAT file 68 LocalTalk port 30
locking mouse 133
logic board, reset button on 147 Look For button (Macintosh Guide
window) 19,
Macintosh basics
Macintosh Easy Open control panel 92 installing 112
Macintosh environment
copying and pasting between PC environment and
sharing files with PC environment
switching to PC environment from
troubleshooting. See troubleshooting in Macintosh environment
Macintosh Guide window
closing 25
“Huh?” button in 25 Index button in
moving to next step in 20 opening 18
returning to 20
searching for general subjects in
searching for specific subjects in 19,
searching for words or phrases in 19,
shrinking and expanding 25 tips for using 25
Topics button in