The Mac OS is running out of memory even though you aren’t running any PC programs.
When sharing memory with the PC environment, the Macintosh allocates a portion of its memory to the PC environment. Because of this, the Mac OS may not be able to load all your system extensions, including the PC Setup control panel.
If this problem occurs, try the following:
mAdd memory to the
mDecrease the shared memory setting.
mRemove PowerTalk and QuickDraw GX from the Extensions folder inside the System Folder.
mRemove any other system extensions you don’t need.
mChange the name of the PC Setup control panel to !PC Setup so that it loads first.
Shared memory assigned to the PC environment isn’t available to the Mac OS until you turn off the PC environment. If the previous suggestions don’t solve your problem, click the Off button at the top of the PC Setup control panel and restart the Macintosh.
Your monitor flashes oddly when you switch environments.
Turn on the Fade Screens option in the PC Setup control panel.
The PC environment is “frozen,” and pressing
When you print in the PC environment, the top and bottom of the document are cut off.
In the Mac OS, open PC Print Spooler in the Extensions folder (which is in the System Folder). Choose Preferences from the File menu, and click “Gaps between pages
In the PC environment, configure your applications print a
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