Nexus 7 Guidebook MANAGe ACCouNTs 71
indicates that none of an acc ount’s informat ion is con-
gured to sync automatica lly.
2. Touc h the account who se sync settings y ou want to change.
3. T he sync settin gs screen opens , displaying a list of th e kinds
of information the accou nt can sync.
4. Chec k or uncheck items as needed.
unchecking an option d oes not remove the i nformation fro m your
device; it simply stops it f rom being kept in sy nc with the version
on the web.
Sync a Google account manu ally
1. Go to Setting s > Accounts > Googl e.
2. Touc h the account who se data you want to sync.
3. To uch Menu > Sync now.
Change backup & reset options To view the settings describ ed here, go to Settings > Backup
& reset.
You can back up settings and ot her data associated wi th one or
more of your Google Accoun ts. if you need to replace o r factory
reset your device, you can r estore your data fo r any accounts th at
were previously backed u p.
These options are availab le:
• Back up my data. if you check th is option, a wide variety o f
your personal data is backe d up automatically, including
your Wi-Fi passwords , browser bookmarks , a list of the apps
you’ve installed on Goog le Play, the words you’ve a dded to the
dictionary used by the o nscreen keyboard, an d most of your
customized settings. s ome third-party apps may a lso take