fabric command, 140 fcdiag command, 141 fcpim command, 143 filtering event log entries, 49 frame data field size
specifying using the BCU, 23
HBA Properties panel, 86
HCM authentication, 6, 7
change password dialog box, 71 logging level configuration, 34 main window, 12
master log icons, 14 product icons, 13 software overview, 2 statistics monitoring, 2
host management, remote, 2
IOC command, 145
launching HCM on Linux, 6 on Windows, 5
Linux, launching HCM, 6 log
application, 50 master log, 48 test, 58
log command, 34, 147 log off, 16
login, how to skip, 6 lport command, 148
management software components, 2
Master Log Filter dialog box, 97 Master Log properties, 48 Master Log Properties tab, 96 monitoring statistics, 2
name configuration, 37 NPIV configuration, 44
HBA Properties, 86 Port SFP, 107 Port Statistics, 101
remote port properties, 95, 105 password
how to change, 6, 7 path time out
specifying using the BCU, 26 specifying using the GUI, 26
persistent binding configuring using the BCU, 24 configuring using the GUI, 24
Persistent Binding dialog box, 98 persistent binding, configuring, 24 polling frequency rate control, 46
port 514, troubleshooting firewall issues, 52 port command, 151
port configuration advanced, 35 basic options, 20
opening the advanced dialog box, 35 opening the basic dialog box, 21 port speed, 22
port logging level
configuring using the BCU, 22 configuring using the GUI, 22
port properties panel, 99 Port SFP panel, 107 port speed
configuring using the BCU, 23 configuring using the GUI, 22
Port Statistics panel, 101 port test diagnostics, 85
170 | Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide |