94 Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide
Logical Port Statistics dialog box
Using the dialog box
Refer to the following topics for specific procedures using this dialog box:
“Port Statistics dialog box”
“Polling frequency rate”
“Resetting statistics”
“Performance monitoring”
ns_rftid_alloc_wait The number of delayed Name Server Register FC4 Type identifier
ns_gidft_sent The number of times a Name Server Get all Port ID request for a
given FC4 type is sent.
ns_gidft_accepts The number of times a Name Server Get all Port ID request for a
given FC4 type is accepted.
ns_gidft_rsp_err The number of response errors associated with a Name Server Get
all Port ID request for a given FC4 type.
ns_gidft_rejects The number of times a Name Server Get all Port ID request for a
given FC4 type is rejected.
ns_gidft_unknown_rsp The number of unknown responses associated with a Name Server
Get all Port ID request for a given FC4 type.
ns_gidft_alloc_wait The number of delayed Name Server Get all Port ID requests for a
given FC4 type allocations.
MS command retries The number of MS command retries.
MS command timeouts The number of times an MS command timed out.
ms_plogi_sent The number of port login requests sent.
ms_plogi_rsp_err The number of response errors associated with a ms port login.
ms_plogi_acc_err The number of ms port login accept errors.
ms_plogi_accepts The number of ms port login accepts.
ms_plogi_unknown_rsp The number of ms port login unknown responses.
ms_plogi_alloc_wait The number of delayed ms plogin allocations.
Num of RSCN Received The number of Registered State Change Notifications received.
Num port id format RSCN The number of Registered State Change Notifications received by
Port ID.
unsolicited recv frames The number of received frames that were unsolicited.
dropped received frames The number of received frames that were dropped.
Field Description