NPIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Chapter 4 | Monitoring |
| In this chapter | 45 |
| Performance monitoring | 45 |
| Polling frequency rate | 46 |
| Resetting statistics | 46 |
| Master log | 47 |
| Application log | 50 |
| Syslog support | 51 |
| Opening the Syslog Server Configuration dialog box | 51 |
| Registering a host server | 51 |
| Removing a host server | 52 |
| Syslog host configuration using VMware | 52 |
Chapter 5 | Diagnostics |
| In this chapter | 53 |
| Diagnostics using the BCU | 53 |
| Diagnostics using HCM | 55 |
| Displaying test log details | 58 |
| Beaconing | 59 |
| SFP management | 60 |
| Debugging | 61 |
| supportSave | 61 |
Appendix A | HCM Dialog Boxes |
| In this appendix | 65 |
| Authentication Statistics dialog box | 67 |
| Backup dialog box | 69 |
| Base Port Properties panel | 70 |
| Change HCM Password dialog box | 71 |
| Change HCM Agent Password dialog box | 72 |
| Configure Names dialog box | 73 |
| Define Name dialog box | 75 |
| Duplicated Names dialog box | 76 |
| Event Properties dialog box | 77 |
| Fabric Statistics dialog box | 78 |
| FCP IM Statistics dialog box | 79 |
| FCP IM Module Statistics dialog box | 81 |
Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide | v |