Status Manager
Use Status Manager to work with your fax account and manage your incoming and outgoing faxes.
Viewfax (A Fax File Viewing Application)
Use ViewFax to view your completed fax at any time, before, or after, you send it from NetCentric™ FaxStorm. You can also view fax files received through your fax account, and view other image files on your system. You can run ViewFax from Status Manager or as a separate application.
When you run ViewFax as a separate application, you can open any image file on your hard drive and save it on your hard drive as an attachment, TIFF image, or cover page.
Accessing NetCentric™ FaxStorm
Select the NetCentric program group, then select FaxStorm. The NetCentric FaxStorm window appears.
Internet Faxing
U S I N G N E T C E N T R I C ™ F A X S T O R M |