Selecting a Group (or a Contact from a Group)
Click the Group button to display groups and contacts within the Groups.
Click a group name to select it.
Click the Add Group button to add that group to the Recipient List
4To view the details about a recipient, select the recipient from the Recipient List. Then click the Detail button.
5Use the Send As drop down list to choose how faxes are sent to a group or to a contact.
■Selecting Fax sends the selected file to the fax number shown in the Fax # field. For convenience, you can use the country code lookup.
Saving a New Contact from the Fax Send Window
After entering the recipient information for the fax, you can add the entry to your Contact Manager database:
1Click on the New Contact button. The New Contact window appears:
2 In the New Contact window, click the group in which you wish to place the contact.
3 To add more information about the new contact, click the Edit button to go to the Contact Detail window—
| U S I N G N E T C E N T R I C ™ F A X S T O R M |