cd /usr <ENTER>
Commands or file names that appear within the text of this manual will be represented in the following style: “...the fore_install program will install this distribution”.
As in the following example, any messages that appear on your screen during software installation and network interface administration will appear in Courier font to distinguish them from the rest of the text.
.... Are all four conditions true?
Important Information Indicators
To call your attention to safety and otherwise important information that must be reviewed to insure correct and complete installation, as well as to avoid damage to the ForeRunner Switch or your system, Cabletron Systems utilizes the following WARNING/CAUTION/NOTE indicators.
WARNING statements contain information that is critical to the safety of the operator and/or the system. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING statement until the indicated conditions are fully understood or met. This information could prevent serious injury to the operator, damage to the ForeRunner Switch, the system, or currently loaded software, and will be indicated as fol- lows:
WARNING! Hazardous voltages are present. If the instruc- tions are not heeded, there is a risk of electrical shock and danger to personal health.
Information contained in CAUTION statements is important for proper installation/operation. CAUTION statements can prevent possible equip- ment damage and/or loss of data and will be indicated as:
CAUTION You risk damaging your equipment and/or software if you do not follow these instructions.