ATM Traffic Descriptor - a generic list of parameters that can be used to cap- ture the intrinsic traffic characteristics of a requested ATM connection.
atmarp - a FORE program that shows and manipulates ATM ARP entries maintained by the given device driver. This is also used to establish PVC con- nections.
atmconfig - a FORE program used to enable or disable SPANS signalling.
atmstat - a FORE program that shows statistics gathered about a given adapter card by the device driver. These statistics include ATM layer and ATM adaptation layer cell and error counts. This can also be used to query other hosts via SNMP.
Backbone - the main connectivity device of a distributed system. All systems that have connectivity to the backbone connect to each other. This does not stop systems from setting up private arrangements with each other to bypass the backbone for cost, performance, or security.
Bandwidth - usually identifies the capacity or amount of data that can be sent through a given circuit; may be
BGP (Border Gateway) Protocol - used by gateways in an internet, connect- ing autonomous networks. It is derived from experiences learned using the EGP.
BIP (Bit Interleaved Parity) - an
Bridge - a device that expands a Local Area Network by forwarding frames between data link layers associated with two separate cables, usually carrying