A.2.2.1 No Cells Received by Remote End
If no cells are received by the remote end (the Input ATM Cells field displays zero), then run the following command on the local machine to verify that cells are going out to the ATM interface:
atmstat fa0 1
If there are no cells going out (the ATM Output Cells field shows zero), then there is most likely an IP routing problem rather than an ATM problem. Please have your network administrator check the IP configuration.
If cells are going out (the ATM Output Cells field shows a value other than zero), then the PVC on the switch fabric may be configured incorrectly. Check the PVC configuration. If it is not set up properly, then correct the PVC and rerun the test. If the PVC is configured correctly and the error persists, call Cabletron Systems’ Technical Support for further assistance.
A.2.2.2 Cells and VPI/VCI Errors Received by Remote
If the remote workstation is receiving cells and is receiving VPI/VCI errors, then this indicates that cells are coming into the workstation, but are on a VPI/VCI that may not be configured correctly.
Check the PVC configuration. If it is not set up properly, then correct the PVC and rerun the test. If the PVC is configured correctly and the error persists, then the incoming ARP entry on the remote workstation is most likely the problem. List the ATM ARP cache using atmarp
If the incoming ARP entry is not configured properly, then correct the config- uration and rerun the test. If the incoming ARP entry is configured properly and the error persists, then call Cabletron Systems’ Technical Support for fur- ther assistance.
A.2.2.3 Cells and AAL* Errors Received by Remote
If the remote workstation is receiving cells and AAL* errors, it is likely that the AAL types of the outgoing entry on the local workstation and the incom- ing entry on the remote workstation do not match. Check both ATM AAL types using atmstat to see if they match. If they are different, set the AAL parameter to the same type and rerun the test. If they match and the error per- sists, then call Cabletron Systems’ Technical Support for further assistance.