Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Related Documentation
Cautions use the following conventions:
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment
damage or loss of data.
Related Documentation•For additional information about Cisco SFS 7000P series switches, refer to the following:
Release Notes for Cisco SFS 7000P Series Switch Software Release 2.5.0
Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Element Manager User Guide
Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Chassis Manager User Guide
•For detailed hardware configuration and maintenance procedures, see these hardware guides:
Cisco SFS 7000P Switch Installation and Configuration Note
Cisco SFS 7008P Switch Installation and Configuration Note
Cisco SFS 7000P Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco SFS 7008P Hardware Installation Guide
Obtaining DocumentationCisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco.co m. Cisco al so pr ovides s everal
ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain how to obtain
technical information from Cisco Systems.
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The Product Documentation DVD is a comprehensive library of technic al p ro duct do cume nta tio n o n a
portable medium. The DVD enables you to access multiple versions of installation, configuration, and
command guides for Cisco hardware and software products. With the DVD, you have access to the same
HTML documentation that is found on the Cisco website without being connected to the Intern et.
Certain products also have.PDF versions of the documentation available.