Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Commands
show ib-agent switch
pkey-enf-out Boolean value that indicates whether or not to support optional partition
enforcement for the packets transmitted by this port.
filter-raw-pkt-in Boolean value that indicates whether or not to support optional raw packet
enforcement for the raw packets that were received by this port.
filter-raw-pkt-out Boolean value that indicates whether or not to support optional raw packet
enforcement for the raw packets transmitted by this port.
mkey-violations Number of subnet management packets ( SMP s) t hat ha v e be en r eceived on
this port with invalid M_Keys since initial power -up or last r eset. For m ore
information see section 14.2.4, “Management Key” in InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1.
pkey-violations Number of subnet management packets that have been received on this port
with invalid P_Keys since initial power-up or the last reset. For more
information, see section 9.2.7, “Partition Key” in InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1.
qkey-violations Number of subnet management packets that have been received on this port
with invalid Q_Keys since initial power up or the last reset. For more
information, see InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, section
10.2.4, “Q Keys.”
guid-cap Number of GUID entries allowed for this port in the port table. For more
information, see InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, section, “GUIDCap.”
subnet-timeout Maxi mum pr opa gation de la y al lowed fo r t his p ort to r eac h any ot her por t
in the subnet. This value also affects the maximum rate at which traps can
be sent from this port.
resp-time-value Maximum time allowed between the port reception of a subnet
management packet and the transmission of the associated response. For
more information, see InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1,
section, “Timers and Timeouts.”
local-phys-err Threshold at which ICRC, VCRC, FCCRC, and all physical errors result in
an entry into the BAD PACKET or B AD PACKET DISCARD states of the
local packet receiver. For more information, see InfiniBand Architecture®,
Vol. 1, Release 1.1, section 7.12.2, “Error Recovery Procedures.”
overrun-err Threshold at which the count of buffer overruns across consecutive
flow-control update periods results in an overrun error.
sl-vl-map Service lane to virtual lane map. Fields in this mapping a s desc ribe d in
Tabl e 6-53 .
Table6-52 port-info Keyword Output Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description