Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Commands
show ib sm node
Examples The following example (output abridged) displays th e co nfigur ation of a ll t he node s o n al l t he subn ets
on the InfiniBand fabric:
SFS-7000P# show ib sm node subnet-prefix fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00
Subnet Management Nodes
subnet-prefix : fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00
node-guid : 00:00:2c:90:01:1b:ba:80
description : swfc5 HCA-1 (Topspin HCA)
base-version : 1
class-version : 1
type : channel adapter
num-ports : 2
port-guid : 00:00:2c:90:01:1b:ba:81
partition-cap : 64
device-id : 0
revision : 0
local-portnum : 1
vendor-id : 00:2c:90
system-image-guid : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
base-version Supported base management datagram (MAD) version. Indicates that th is
channel adapter, switch, or router supports versions up to and inclu ding th is
version. See section 13.4.2, Management Datagram Format, in InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more information.
class-version Supported MAD class format version. Indicates that this channel adapter,
switch, or router supports versions up to, and including, this version.
type Type of node being managed. The value appears as channel adapter, switch,
router, or error. An error entry indicates an unknown type.
num-ports Number of physical ports on the node.
port-guid Guide of the port that connects the node to the Server Switch. A port within a
node can return the node GUID as its PortGUID if the port serves as an i ntegral
part of the node and you cannot replace the port in the field (not swappa ble) .
partition-cap Capacity of entries in the partition table for channel adapter, router, and the
switch management port. The value appears the same for all ports on the node.
This defaults to at least 1 for all nodes including switches. You cannot
configure this value.
device-id Manufacturer-assigned device identification.
revision Manufacturer-assigned device revision.
local-portnum The link port number from which this subnet management packet (SMP)
arrived. The value appears the same for all ports on the node.
vendor-id Device vendor I D . The value ap pe ars t he sa m e for a ll port s on th e no de.
system-image-guid Guide of an associated supervisory node. No supervisory no de exis ts i f t he
command output displays 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00.
Table6-39 show ib sm node Command Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description