Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Comma nds
show ib sm port
mkey 64-bit management key for this port. See section 14.2.4, Management Key
and 3.5.3, Keys, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more
gid-prefix 64-bit Global identifier prefix for this port. The subnet manager assigns thi s
prefix based upon the port router and the rules for local iden tifiers. Se e
section 4.1.3, Local Identifiers, InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release
1.1, for more information.
lid 16-bit base-LID of this port.
master-sm-lid 16-bit base LID of the master subnet manager managing this port.
cap-mask The capability mask identifies the functions that the host supports. 32-bit
bitmask that specifies the supported capabilities of the port. A bit value of
1 (one) indicates a supported capability. The bits are 0, 11-15, 18, 21-31
(Reserved and always 0.), 1 IsSM, 2 IsNoticeSupported, 3
IsTrapSupported, 4 IsResetSupported, 5 IsAutomaticMigrationSupported,
6 IsSLMappingSupported, 7 IsMKeyNVRAM (supports M_Key in
NVRAM), 8 IsPKeyNVRAM (supports P_Key in NVRAM), 9 Is LED Info
Supported, 10 IsSMdisabled, 16 IsConnectionManagementSupported, 1 7
IsSNMPTunnelingSupported, 19 IsDeviceManagementSupported, 20
IsVendorClassSupported.Values are expressed in hexadecimal.
diag-code 16-bit diagnostic code. See section Interpretat ion of Diag code,
InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, for more information. This
field does not currently apply to your Server Switch.
mkey-lease-period Initial value of the lease-period timer, in seconds. The lease period is the
length of time that the M_Key protection bits are to remain non-zer o a fte r
a SubnSet (PortInfo) fails an M_Key check. After the lease period expires,
clearing the M_Key protection bits allows any subnet manager to read (and
then set) the M_Key. Set this field to 0 to indicate that the lease per iod never
expires. See InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, section 14.2.4,
“Management Key.”
link-width-enabled Enabled link width (bandwidth). The value (an integer) indicates the
enabled link-width sets for this port. The value may be
•0 (no state change),
•1 (1x),
•2 (4x),
•3 (1x or 4x),
•8 (12x),
•9 (1x or 12x),
•10 (4x or 12x),
•11 (1x, 4x or 12x),
•255 (set this parameter to the link-width-supported value).
link-width-supported Supported link width. The value appears as 1 (1x), 3 (1x or 4x), or 11 (1x,
4x, or 12x).
link-width-active Active link width. Used in conjunction with LinkSpeedActive to determine
the link rate between two nodes. The value appears as 1 (1 x), 2 ( 4x) , or 8
Table6-41 show ib sm port Command Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description