Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter6 Show Comma nds
show fc srp it
Examples The following example displays the details of an IT pair:
SFS-7000P# show fc srp it
guid: 00:02:c9:02:00:40:0e:d4
extension: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
target-wwpn: 21:00:00:04:cf:86:a0:1f
description: it
non-restricted-ports: 2/1-2/4,3/1-3/4,4/1-4/4,5/1-5/4,
: 6/1-6/4,7/1-7/4,8/1-8/4,9/1-9/4,
: 10/1-10/4,11/1-11/4,12/1-12/4,13/1-13/4
active-ports: 5/1-5/2
physical-access: 5/1-5/2,7/2
mode: normal-mode
action: none
result: none
Related Commands fc srp-global gateway-portmask-policy restricted
fc srp it
show interface fc
action Displays the last action you performed using the config fc srp it command on
this initiator target. The action can be discover-itl
result Displays the result of the action that appears in the “action” field. Possible
values are none (when no action was taken), success, in-progress, or fail. Any
result other than “Operation completed successfully” occurs due to interface
Table6-22 show fc srp it Command Output Field Descriptions
Field Description